lifeblood: socs: 1994-09-03: touch me fall (the woodlands - woodlands, texas)
touch me fall (9:47) (listen)
amy ray starting at the x:xx mark:
hold your love up to the sun hold your head up high
and don't be afraid, but love one another(?)
and when you walk down the street
hold your head up high
and i will take my hate and turn it into love
and i will take my anger and turn it into energy
and i will walk down the street and i will hold my head up high
and i will have love in my heart
and when i have hate i will turn around and talk about it....
and i will not be complacent
and i will not be complacent
and i will not be complacent
and i will not be complacent!
and i_will not_ be complacent!!
and_i will not be complacent_!!!
and i will not be a racist
and i will not be homophobic
and i will not be a sexist
and i will have love -
one, two, three, four
jump, jump, jump so high
watch me let you down....
touch me in the fall...
we will not be complacent!..
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