1985-xx-xx: crazy game/everybody's waiting (for someone to come home)
1990-02-01: get together/finlandia (34t 73255)
1990-xx-xx: hammer and a nail/welcome me (live) (34t 73607)
1990-xx-xx: hammer and a nail/welcome me (live) (holland)(34t 73607)
1992-05-29: galileo/ghost (excerpt)/joking (excerpt)/love will come to you (excerpt)/jonas and ezekial (excerpt) (34t 74326)
1992-xx-xx: galileo/ghost (excerpt)/joking (excerpt)/love will come to you (excerpt)/jonas and ezekial (excerpt)/kid fears (austria) (658040 2)
1992-xx-xx: galileo/ghost (excerpt)/joking (excerpt)/love will come to you (excerpt)/jonas and ezekial (excerpt) (australia) (658156 2)
1992-10-xx: galileo/closer to fine/tried to be true/hammer and a nail (austria) (658768 2)
1992-xx-xx: galileo/kid fears (austria) (658768 7)
1992-xx-xx: joking/airplane (34t 74434)
1992-xx-xx: joking/closer to fine/kid fears (658344 2)
199x-xx-xx: three hits/galileo(live)
1994-xx-xx: i don't wanna talk about it/galileo(live) (660209-1)
1994-xx-xx: least complicated/dead man's hill(acoustic) (34t 77607)
1994-xx-xx: least complicated/dead man's hill(acoustic) (660340 1) 1994-05-xx: least complicated/dead man's hill(acoustic)/mystery(acoustic) (austria) (660340 2)
1994-xx-xx: least complicated/dead man's hill (acoustic)/mystery (acoustic)/kid fears (austria) (660340 2)
1994-xx-xx: least complicated/dead man's hill (acoustic)/mystery (acoustic)/i don't wanna talk about it/closer to fine (australia) (660444 2)
1994-xx-xx: touch me fall (edit)/the wood song (acoustic)/reunion (acoustic) (austria) (660637 2)
1994-xx-xx: touch me fall (edit)/the wood song (acoustic)/reunion (acoustic) (australia) (660637 2)
1994-xx-xx: touch me fall (edit)/least complicated (acoustic)/the wood song (acoustic) (australia) (unknown)
1995-02-xx: power of two (edit)/dead man's hill (acoustic)/mystery (acoustic)/rockin in the free world (live w/ k's choice) (34k 77844)
1995-xx-xx: power of two (edit)/rockin in the free world (live w/ k's choice) (34t 77888)
1995-xx-xx: power of two (edit)/dead man's hill (acoustic)/mystery (acoustic)/rockin in the free world (live w/ k's choice) (australia) (661342 1)
1995-xx-xx: closer to fine/dead man's hill (studio acoustic duo mix)/mystery (studio acoustic duo mix)/rockin' in the free world (with the choice) (england) (662166 2)
1995-xx-xx: closer to fine/kid fears/all along the watchtower (live)/left me a fool (live) (england) (662166 5)
1997-xx-xx: indigo girls starter kit (a 28551)
1997-xx-xx: shame on you (radio edit)/closer to fine/least complicicated/bury my heart at wounded knee (664673 2) (australia)
2020-10-23: long ride (digital single)
2020-11-01: tear it down (amy ray) (digital single)
2021-02-05: muscadine (amy ray) (digital single)
2021-07-23: chuck will's widow (amy ray) (digital single)
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