1987-xx-xx: indigo records - strange fire
1989-xx-xx: epic records - indigo girls
1989-02-15: bill graham presents - indigo girls/hothouse flowers
1989-xx-xx: bill graham presents - indigo girls
1989-xx-xx: epic records - strange fire
1990-xx-xx: epic records - live at the uptown lounge
1990-xx-xx: amy ray - singer songwriter showcase ii
1990-xx-xx: epic records - nomads indians saints (pre-release)
1990-xx-xx: nomads indians saints ad copy
1990-xx-xx: epic records - nomads indians saints
1990-xx-xx: newport folk festival
1991-xx-xx: epic records - back on the bus ya'll
1992-xx-xx: epic records - rites of passage (pre-release)
1992-xx-xx: epic records - rites of passage
1992-xx-xx: epic records - three hits
1994-xx-xx: epic records - swamp ophelia (pre-release)
1994-xx-xx: epic records - swamp ophelia
1994-06-02: metropolis music - indigo girls
1995-xx-xx: epic records - 1200 curfews
1995-xx-xx: epic records - 4.5
1995-xx-xx: honor the earth
1995-03-20: jesus christ superstar - austin, texas
1996-08-21: the white rabbit presents - indigo girls
1996-09-29: woodie guthrie tribute - cleveland, ohio
1997-xx-xx: epic records - shaming of the sun
1998-xx-xx: epic records - come on now social (pre-release)
1998-xx-xx: epic records - come on now social
2000-04-15: manhattenville college - purchase, new york
2001-10-18: atlanta ballet - indigo girls project
2001-10-18: atlanta ballet - shed your skin
2002-xx-xx: american library association - read
2002-xx-xx: epic records - become you
2002-12-10: honor the earth - boston, massachusetts
2003-11-13: bill graham presents - indigo girls
2004-xx-xx: epic records - all that we let in
2005-xx-xx: honor the earth - ledger art
2006-xx-xx: amy ray and the volunteers
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